Hello artists!
So for my first real post, I've decided to tell you about my "home base" Art room. I teach Art at three elementary schools in one district (531 students a week!), and these photos are of the classroom I am in most often. The other two rooms have a similar appearance, but I share one with a music teacher, and the other with another Art teacher. I think about it like this - some Art teachers don't have a single room, I am lucky enough to have 3!
Above is my display for open house this year. "What we do in Art class"... Lots of Bloom's words in there - higher order thinking in the Art room!
You'll notice I have large boards in my room- I don't have any wall space, so these strong, cardboard-like boards give me a place to create displays! So far, these are the artists we have been introduced to this year, and there's lots more to come!
This is a portion of the front of my room, I have a board to the left that is blank, for the document camera display. I have the Art room rules, a self-evaluation tool, the 5 B's - part of our school's PBIS, and our "We Can" display showing what each grade is learning through their lessons. There is also my N.O.I.S.E. chart. If students become a little noisy, I take down the "e", that's the first chance. Two more chances mean taking down the "s" and "i", leaving the word "NO", which means no talking, or a silent Art room. It seems to work very well so far! I refer to these two boards throughout the school year.
This is my display of the Art vocabulary students learn within each lesson. Its a nice way to refer to past lessons and bring up learned Art words.
Mondrian door! Grade K is working on identifying the primary colors at the beginning of the school year, so the three strips you see by my door are taped down the hallways! I love hearing the first grade say, "Mrs. Riley is hanging up the primary colors again!" I will do the same with the secondary colors very soon!
Be ARTiculate! Descriptive words the students and I use when talking about each other's work. I have students catch me saying "nice" and "great" when walking around the room, and they tell me, "Mrs. Riley! Use an Art word!" Very Impressive!
Many of these posters and visuals come from ideas I found on Pinterest! It is a wonderful resource.
This is all I have for now, but I will begin posting successful lessons as I collect images of artwork! Last year was a big experiment for me, learning about SLO's, PGG's, classroom management, PBIS, etc. I had successful lessons and not-so-successful ones, so more posts will come soon! Thank you for visiting =)